Friday, June 17, 2005

it will go away if i don't say it

In college, when I smoked my head off and majored in drama, I was leaving the theater one day. This younger dude, Todd, was leaving the building at the same time. He asked for a smoke and I gave one to him, after which we headed off in our separate directions. A couple of seconds later, he called out, "Thank you!"
What I wanted to respond with was a "No problem, man," or a "No sweat, man." What I ended up yelling instead was, "PROBABLY NOT, SWEAT MAN!"


Eve said...

God, you just made me choke!

Anonymous said...

This one happens to me more than I care to admit:

Passer-by:"Hey, what's new?"

Kathryn said...

made me laugh out loud and am now getting weird looks from people --- too funny! (and have said similar toomany times to remember comfortably)

Anonymous said...

So funny - I did catch myself yelling at the kids to chew their food before they put it in their mouth. They caught me on that. They always catch me! Therapy - lots of therapy!