This guy is Obama's best surrogate by a country mile, I think. John Kerry is great every time I see him, his arguments are sharp and clear and strong. But Tom Daschle is seriously bringing it wherever he goes. Obama/Daschle '08!
And that is all for tonight. I'm cranky that I forgot to post yesterday - I was so focused on learning lines for the medical training film I shot today. (It was fun! I totally got to pretend to be a doctor, in scrubs and a lab coat and a stethoscope and everything. Bitchen in the extreme.)
You know who else is kind of awesomely rockin it for Obama is Bill Bradley. And you know who is kind of annoying the fuck out of me? Cokie Roberts. You know, just fyi.
Medical training? You lucky! I shot a couple of those waaaayyyy back in the day, but I never got to wear scrubs. Apparenlty I have "victim" written all over me. "Let's see...who looks like he might open the radiator cap and look inside? How about Scott? He looks dumb enough to do that..."
Oh, btw I tagged you with a meme so you're set for Monday...
And now that I look at Daschle again, he kind of looks like he wants me to buy a car from him. Or maybe some chicken. Not fried chicken, something healthy...lightly grilled in olive oil, then flash frozen and packaged lovingly and shipped to my local Trader Joe's.
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