Thursday, July 21, 2005

accursed midnight limerick mayhem

Sweet Jesus. Lord above. All I want to do is enter this limerick contest. But Lawdy Lawdy! I've been stuck on a roundabout, trying to post the limerick I've worked so hard on, and each time, SWAT! I've been batted away. I'm sure it wasn't purposeful. Hell, you should go enter it. Why not enter a limerick contest? But Christ-y Christ, it's late, and I'm on my honeymoon, and I just wanted to get my limerick in there and get on with it.

So I'm going to post it here. Please excuse me if one of my links is, er, familiar. I've just gotta get this out there!

This is the post as it would have read on the ol' Nickerblog:

All right. Here goes. I'm just going for the mystery prize, as I'm a computer caveman and don't deserve the fancy TypePad prize. This linkmanship I'm going to attempt might fail miserably.

We've come to the state called Hawaii
to stay in the glass house that's spy-ey.

We've been so much online
I must really opine

that our honeymoon's been kind of guy-ey.

I hope that worked. Also, the above facts have been stretched a bit. The honeymoon is fabulous. So here is a bonus haiku for your consideration.

The headline should read:
Corrupt Wife Sold Man Out For
Limerick Contest

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