Wednesday, January 17, 2007

what i always forget about awards shows

They're actually really boring. But I'm like a goldfish so I'll have forgotten this by the Oscars and I'll be just as psyched for next year's Golden Globes.

Oh, well.

Also, Dup's Blog and La Ketch are having a baby!! And my postpartum doula has just announced that she's pregnant with twins. More cute babies! Hurray! I LOVE BABIES!


YogaLia said...

1. I feel the same way about awards shows.

2. I feel the same way about babies.

3. You have inspired me to re-vamp the look of my blog...

Eve said...

Amen, I am totally the Gloden Globes' and Academy Award Shows' bitch. They can bore me for hours, disappoint me repeatedly, and I'll still come back every year, pathetically begging for more.

I too am so excited for the new petite DupLaKetch. :)

Ash said...

I skip the award shows and just read the "Red Carpet Do's and Don'ts" section of Us Weekly the following week.

bladio said...

i didn't get to watch the globes this year because i was on vacation. i was happy to read your posts. i'm excited about the oscars!