Yeah. I was all I'm gonna Nablopomo forever! Yeah.
I'm rehearsing a play. It's the best process maybe ever so far. My friend Kristen Kosmas wrote it and Mr. John Kazanjian is directing it. I feel completely stretched and inspired and on fire with it. Happy! And so, also, busy.
Later I will come on here and post house colors**. You can look at them and go, OH! Yes. Dreamy! Love that one. Oh! That one is great. Don't go, that color is stupid. Because we're not changing anything anymore.
Gotta get the Finn down for his nap and then start turning the house into the North Pole. Dave's mama is arriving from the South Pole* day after tomorrow, so we want to make it as super Northy and Yuley as possible.
*Queensland is the South Pole. It's just...tropical.
**Stupid won't let me copy the colors off the website. Behr, Behr, what do you imagine I would have done with the images? How could I hurt you? How could I bring you down in any way I can't bring you down with an actual paint chip, mmm? I'm going to do it. I'm bringing you down with a paint chip.
Meanwhile, the color names for inside the house are: Canyon Mist. High Plateau. Shangri-La. Sapphireberry. Enduring. Apricot Flower. Pebbled Courtyard. Chinese Violet. Lady Luck. Bellflower. Just imagine them. Good, right? Good.
Also, how would I go about getting a job naming paint? I want that job.
I'm rehearsing a play. It's the best process maybe ever so far. My friend Kristen Kosmas wrote it and Mr. John Kazanjian is directing it. I feel completely stretched and inspired and on fire with it. Happy! And so, also, busy.
Later I will come on here and post house colors**. You can look at them and go, OH! Yes. Dreamy! Love that one. Oh! That one is great. Don't go, that color is stupid. Because we're not changing anything anymore.
Gotta get the Finn down for his nap and then start turning the house into the North Pole. Dave's mama is arriving from the South Pole* day after tomorrow, so we want to make it as super Northy and Yuley as possible.
*Queensland is the South Pole. It's just...tropical.
**Stupid won't let me copy the colors off the website. Behr, Behr, what do you imagine I would have done with the images? How could I hurt you? How could I bring you down in any way I can't bring you down with an actual paint chip, mmm? I'm going to do it. I'm bringing you down with a paint chip.
Meanwhile, the color names for inside the house are: Canyon Mist. High Plateau. Shangri-La. Sapphireberry. Enduring. Apricot Flower. Pebbled Courtyard. Chinese Violet. Lady Luck. Bellflower. Just imagine them. Good, right? Good.
Also, how would I go about getting a job naming paint? I want that job.

I almost painted my bedroom like...
Lucky Lady?! What the hell kind of color name is that?! I get at least some sense of what the color might be like from the other names, but Lucky Lady? Nothing. Bright red? Black? Do tell.
Blade: Heh heh.
Kris: For you! The breakdown.
Lady Luck = light emerald green
Enduring = deep purplish blue
Sapphireberry = clear pale blue
Canyon Mist = violet
Chinese Violet = two shades darker violet than Canyon Mist
Pebbled Courtyard = pale rosy tan
High Plateau = yellow gold
Bellflower = periwinkle
Apricot Flower = apricot (what?!)
For me, "Enduring" is the color wherein I'd be like HUH?! if I didn't have the paint chip in front of me. But I can see that with Lady Luck. It's shamrock-y. Four leaf clover-ish.
Man oh MAN. Dreamy and delicious! I can't wait to see pictures.
did you see that there's a new NaBloPoMo.. um NaBloPoYe maybe, where you post every day for a whole year?
I don't think I'm up for it just now.
Happy holidays!
For more adventures in paint naming, check out Kelly Link's story "Stone Animals," which was in Best American a couple years ago.
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